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2005-08-22 Alert

SB 887B update

Governor Kulongoski is still deciding whether or not to sign SB 887 into law. So there's still time (BUT PROBABLY NOT MUCH TIME) to contact him and try to convince him to veto this stinker of a bill. SB 887B Section 3 directly contradicts the fair and equitable ORS-195 reform enacted with HB 2484 by removing city voters from ORS-195 decisions. It grants Nike and a few other big companies immunity from forced annexation while denying that same right to anyone else. It is a prime example of how money and influence can still sometimes trump common sense and fairness in Salem.

OCVA doesn't like the exemption for Nike et. al., but our main problem is with Section 3. I think we've explained this pretty thoroughly in the past, so I won't belabor the issue here.

Contact info:


www.governor.oregon.gov/Gov/contact_us.shtml (Direct contact)

www.governor.oregon.gov Click on "contact us"

These methods allow you a total of 1000 characters in your message.

Or try governor@state.or.us

PHONE: 503-378-4582
FAX: 503-378-6827


The Honorable Ted Kulongoski, Governor 
State of Oregon 
900 Court Se NE, Room 160 
Salem, OR 97301-4047


  1. SB 887B deserves a veto
  2. SB 887B Section 3 directly contradicts the fair and equitable reform of ORS-195 enacted with HB 2484
  3. Granting a few big companies immunity from forced annexation while denying the same right to anyone else is blatantly unfair
  4. If you sign the bill, at the very least, line-item veto Section 3

This is our last chance to do something about this bill that was aptly described by an Oregonian reporter as "bloated as 5-day old road kill and smells just about as appealing." Thanks again to everyone for your part in what has been a remarkably successful Legislative session. SB 887B is the fly in the ointment.

Jerry Ritter, Secretary 

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This page last modified on 2005-11-16 08:29.
