2005-02-03 AlertORS-195 House BillAction Alert: Our bill in the House to clarify the voting provision of ORS-195 as meaning "double majority" has been assigned a number by L.C.: HB-2484. It is truly a bipartisan bill: Sponsors are Reps Bill Garrard, Jerry Krummel, Derrick Kitts and Senators Bruce Starr and Charles Starr - all Republicans….along with Reps Brad Avakian, Dave Hunt and Mitch Greenlick - all Democrats. The bill is currently sitting on Speaker Karen Minnis' desk. We expect Minnis to be vehemently opposed to this bill. Recall that she was instrumental in killing HB-3211 in the last session after it emerged so strongly from committee. It has been pointed out by some that this could simply be another exercise where certain legislators are trying to get in the good graces of their constituents but there are already deals being cut behind the scenes to make sure the bill gets killed somewhere along the way. This happens all the time. It happened to us in the last session with 3211. BUT THAT'S THE RISK WE TAKE. ONE THING IS CERTAIN: IF WE DO NOT FOLLOW UP ON THIS OPPORTUNITY AND THE OPPORTUNITY IN THE SENATE WITH SB 380 WE WILL NOT ACHIEVE THE MUCH-NEEDED GOAL OF ORS-195 REFORM!! Hopefully, you've all followed up on our recommendations for SB 380. Now it's time to do the same for HB 2484. Consider this step 2 for this bill: CONTACT SPEAKER KAREN MINNIS AND ASK THAT HB 2484 BE ASSIGNED TO A COMMITTEE AND GIVEN A HEARING. Her contact info: 503-986-1200 900 Court St. NE, Room 269 Salem, OR 97301 There are tens of thousands of Oregonians staring down the gun of ORS-195. We've provided them a chance to do something about it. Now we have to get the word out to as many people as possible. IT'S TIME FOR ACTION, FOLKS! We will of course track these bills closely and issue additional alerts as needed. Let's Roll! Jerry Ritter This page last modified on 2005-11-16 08:29. |