Issues and InitiativesOCVA is involved with with a number of issues and initiatives. Use the links below to get information about each topic area. Voting on Annexations - the history of citizen votes on annexations, OCVA member cities, how to get "the vote" in your city, and more.
SLAPP suits - find out what they are, what you can do about them, and read about the history of OCVA's efforts that resulted in the passage of anti-SLAPP legislation in Oregon in 2001. Local control of growth - One of our objectives in the 2003 Legislative session will be to push for repeal of ORS 197.296, which mandates that cities maintain a 20-year supply of buildable land within their UGB. As a way to build momentum, we are urging our member cities to pass resolutions calling for repeal of this rule. We have sample language for your use. System Development Charges (SDCs) - are what developers pay (or don't pay) to offset the cost of new development. Learn about OCVA's efforts to force SDCs to reflect the real costs of growth, including a draft resolution you can submit to your city council. This page last modified on 2005-09-19 08:39. |