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For a Voice In Annexations

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2005-04-08 Alert 2

SB 887 Island Bill

OCVA Chairman Jim Thompson today forwarded to our E-Board the latest League of Oregon Cities Legislative Report. In it is a description of the -5 amendments in SB-887 that passed out of Senator Ringo's committee earlier this week. This is apparently going to the Senate floor and according to the newsletter contains the following provisions:

1. The "work group."

2. A 2 - year moratorium statewide on ORS-195 "combined vote" annexations

3. A 2 - year moratorium on island annexations in Beaverton only: does NOT apply statewide. You non-Beaverton folks can apparently thank the League for that one. The newsletter says that the original language applying statewide "would have had a rough go" on the Senate floor.

4. A 15 - year exemption from forced annexation for Nike and Columbia Sportswear….but not for anyone else.

As far as we can tell, the "Hammer" mentioned in our earlier update is absent. Therefore there's no real incentive under this bill that I can see for the public entities that are so opposed to us having a voice in these processes to work in good faith toward long-term mutually-agreeable reform.

This is obviously not what we had in mind….but it is an improvement over the status quo. However, I believe it also raises constitutional questions regarding equal treatment.

But at least things are finally starting to happen. Stay tuned - it should be an interesting couple of weeks.


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This page last modified on 2005-11-16 08:29.
