2005-05-30 AlertClarificationFrom copies of messages to Salem I've received, It looks like I need to clarify our targeted audience. They are Senator Charlie Ringo (sen.charlieringo@state.or.us) for HB 2484 (ORS 195 'double majority') and Rep. Karen Minnis (rep.karenminnis@state.or.us) for HB 3084 (prohibits using a street as one boundary of an island). Rep. Garrard and his House Land Use Committee currently have NO CONTROL over either bill. Now that SB 887A has been passed out of HLU, that committee no longer needs to be targeted. We want Sen. Ringo to schedule a hearing on HB 2484 and Rep. Minnis to remove her lock on HB 3084. The reason is that from what we can tell, SB 887A doesn't provide any real and/or lasting annexation reform. The two house bills do. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Jerry Ritter
This page last modified on 2005-11-16 08:29. |