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2005-03-02 Alert 2

Message from Rep. Krummel

Follow up message from Rep. Krummel re: today's action by Speaker Minnis on HB 2484 (see below). We are very fortunate to have Representatives Krummel, Garrard and others in our corner. But make no mistake: they (and we) are up against some powerful opposition. There is no question that today's action was a significant setback for us.

We (OCVA) have battled this bunch for 10 years on a variety of issues. Sometimes we've won and sometimes we've lost. Their alliance is NOT invincible! They just have a lot more power, weapons and time than we do. But a certain Spanish Armada was once in the same boat (so to speak).

I believe it is still worthwhile to contact Representative Minnis and make sure she understands that this issue is still very much alive. Keep your messages short and professional. It's very easy to lose your temper over situations such as this, and I've been guilty more than once. A lot of people have worked very hard for a long time on this and it IS frustrating. But let's keep working: the cause is just!

Jerry Ritter 
Secretary, OCVA

-----Original Message----- 
From: Rep Krummel [mailto:Krummel.Rep@state.or.us
Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2005 2:32 PM 
To: Lisa Hamilton-Treick; Ritter, Jerry 
Subject: FW: [ocva-l] Minnis Pulls 2484

Dear Supporters of HB 2484:

Don't panic. It's going to be okay. We did some checking and because there is still some pressure for amendments from a couple of Representatives, he thinks we need to hold off for a while. There has also been some back and forth recently in the news with the Senate. Like the old saying goes..."laws and sausages, you don't want to know how they're made".

We are still working on a town hall type meeting of some sort to enlighten folks on the process next week. We'll keep you posted.

Keep up the good work.

Thanks for all your efforts!

Representative Jerry Krummel 
House District 26 

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